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Additional Configurations

Show possible configurations

The possible configurations of Qodo Merge are stored in here. In the tools page you can find explanations on how to use these configurations for each tool.

To print all the available configurations as a comment on your PR, you can use the following command:



To view the actual configurations used for a specific tool, after all the user settings are applied, you can add for each tool a --config.output_relevant_configurations=true suffix. For example:

/improve --config.output_relevant_configurations=true
Will output an additional field showing the actual configurations used for the improve tool.


Ignoring files from analysis

In some cases, you may want to exclude specific files or directories from the analysis performed by Qodo Merge. This can be useful, for example, when you have files that are generated automatically or files that shouldn't be reviewed, like vendor code.

You can ignore files or folders using the following methods: - IGNORE.GLOB - IGNORE.REGEX

which you can edit to ignore files or folders based on glob or regex patterns.

Example usage

Let's look at an example where we want to ignore all files with .py extension from the analysis.

To ignore Python files in a PR with online usage, comment on a PR: /review --ignore.glob="['*.py']"

To ignore Python files in all PRs using glob pattern, set in a configuration file:

glob = ['*.py']

And to ignore Python files in all PRs using regex pattern, set in a configuration file:

regex = ['.*\.py$']

Extra instructions

All Qodo Merge tools have a parameter called extra_instructions, that enables to add free-text extra instructions. Example usage:

/update_changelog --pr_update_changelog.extra_instructions="Make sure to update also the version ..."

Working with large PRs

The default mode of CodiumAI is to have a single call per tool, using GPT-4, which has a token limit of 8000 tokens. This mode provides a very good speed-quality-cost tradeoff, and can handle most PRs successfully. When the PR is above the token limit, it employs a PR Compression strategy.

However, for very large PRs, or in case you want to emphasize quality over speed and cost, there are two possible solutions: 1) Use a model with larger context, like GPT-32K, or claude-100K. This solution will be applicable for all the tools. 2) For the /improve tool, there is an 'extended' mode (/improve --extended), which divides the PR into chunks, and processes each chunk separately. With this mode, regardless of the model, no compression will be done (but for large PRs, multiple model calls may occur)

Patch Extra Lines

By default, around any change in your PR, git patch provides three lines of context above and below the change.

@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ def func1():
 code line that already existed in the file...
 code line that already existed in the file...
 code line that already existed in the file....
-code line that was removed in the PR
+new code line added in the PR
 code line that already existed in the file...
 code line that already existed in the file...
 code line that already existed in the file...

Qodo Merge will try to increase the number of lines of context, via the parameter:


Increasing this number provides more context to the model, but will also increase the token budget, and may overwhelm the model with too much information, unrelated to the actual PR code changes.

If the PR is too large (see PR Compression strategy), Qodo Merge may automatically set this number to 0, and will use the original git patch.

Editing the prompts

The prompts for the various Qodo Merge tools are defined in the pr_agent/settings folder. In practice, the prompts are loaded and stored as a standard setting object. Hence, editing them is similar to editing any other configuration value - just place the relevant key in .pr_agent.tomlfile, and override the default value.

For example, if you want to edit the prompts of the describe tool, you can add the following to your .pr_agent.toml file:

Note that the new prompt will need to generate an output compatible with the relevant post-process function.

Integrating with Logging Observability Platforms

Various logging observability tools can be used out-of-the box when using the default LiteLLM AI Handler. Simply configure the LiteLLM callback settings in configuration.toml and set environment variables according to the LiteLLM documentation.

For example, to use LangSmith you can add the following to your configuration.toml file:

enable_callbacks = true
success_callback = ["langsmith"]
failure_callback = ["langsmith"]
service_callback = []

Then set the following environment variables:


Ignoring automatic commands in PRs

In some cases, you may want to automatically ignore specific PRs . Qodo Merge enables you to ignore PR with a specific title, or from/to specific branches (regex matching).

To ignore PRs with a specific title such as "[Bump]: ...", you can add the following to your configuration.toml file:

ignore_pr_title = ["\\[Bump\\]"]

Where the ignore_pr_title is a list of regex patterns to match the PR title you want to ignore. Default is ignore_pr_title = ["^\\[Auto\\]", "^Auto"].

To ignore PRs from specific source or target branches, you can add the following to your configuration.toml file:

ignore_pr_source_branches = ['develop', 'main', 'master', 'stage']
ignore_pr_target_branches = ["qa"]

Where the ignore_pr_source_branches and ignore_pr_target_branches are lists of regex patterns to match the source and target branches you want to ignore. They are not mutually exclusive, you can use them together or separately.
